Virtual Sleep Consultations

Young woman using a smart phone in the bed

Self-referred or have a referral by a physician? Fill out our quick and easy referral form.

Once your form is submitted, you will be contacted by our team to set up an appointment.

During your virtual consultation, we can address all of your sleep complaints and help you understand the barriers preventing you from achieving restorative sleep. 

What to Expect During Your Virtual Consultation

During your virtual consultation, we can address all of your sleep complaints and help you understand the barriers preventing you from achieving restorative sleep. 

Flexible Timeframes: Your physician might spend more time with specific patients, causing slight delays. Utilize the chat system to receive an estimated time of arrival if there’s a delay.

Duration of the Visit: Consultations typically last between 10 to 15 minutes for straightforward cases.
For more complex situations, the consultation might extend up to 30 minutes. Your physician will invest the necessary time to address your concerns thoroughly.

Focused Discussions: Physicians usually address one or two problems during each session. This focused approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of your concerns.

Proposed Diagnosis and Follow-ups: Your physician will present a diagnostic approach tailored to your situation. If necessary, follow-up appointments will be scheduled to discuss the results of any tests or investigations. Depending on your diagnosis, your physician might prescribe medications (especially in the case of chronic insomnia) or recommend enrollment in a cognitive behavioral therapy program.

Patient Engagement: Active participation is key. Prepare a list of questions and concerns beforehand to make the most of your virtual consultation. Be open about your symptoms, medical history, and any lifestyle factors that might affect your sleep. Transparent communication ensures accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans.

Follow-up Actions: Your physician might suggest additional tests, lifestyle modifications, or therapy sessions based on your discussion. Follow your physician’s recommendations diligently. 

Conditions That We Provide Sleep Conditions For

  • Sleep disordered breathing
  • Disorders that cause hyper-somnolence
    • Narcolepsy
    • Idiopathic hypersonic
  • Abnormal behavior at night
    • Parasomnia
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy for
    • Chronic insomnia
  • Sleep coaching for behavioral insomnia of childhood
  • Clearance for bariatric surgery
  • Disorders affecting the circadian clock
    • Jet lag
    • Shift work disorder
    • Advance & delayed sleep phase
  • Assessment and management of patients with ADHD

Once your form is submitted, you will be contacted by our team to set up an appointment.

Restorative sleep is essential for good health and well-being! It has numerous benefits, including improved mental health, enhanced cognitive function, improved physical health, increased energy and productivity, a stronger immune system, and improved athletic performance.

During your virtual consultation, we can address all of your sleep complaints and help you understand the barriers preventing you from achieving restorative sleep. By doing so, we can establish a diagnosis approach and prescribe medication and, if needed, psychotherapy for chronic insomnia. 

There are several reasons why some people may struggle to turn off their minds at night and experience difficulty sleeping.

Anxiety and Stress: When you’re anxious or stressed, your brain tends to become more active. As a result, you may find it difficult to quiet your thoughts and fall asleep. This can be especially true if you are worrying about specific problems or situations that are causing you anxiety or stress.

Depression: Depression can also cause racing thoughts and prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. People with depression often experience negative or intrusive thoughts, which can be difficult to control.

Overstimulation: Overstimulation from electronic devices, bright lights, or engaging in stimulating activities before bed can also make it difficult to relax and quiet the mind. The blue light emitted by electronic devices can interfere with the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep.

Poor Sleep Habits: Poor sleep habits, such as irregular sleep patterns, consuming caffeine or alcohol before bed, or not creating a relaxing bedtime routine can make it difficult to fall asleep.

Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, or chronic pain can also interfere with the ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.

It’s essential to identify the underlying cause of your racing thoughts and address it to improve your sleep quality. If you’re consistently struggling to turn off your mind at night, it may be helpful to talk to a healthcare professional who can provide guidance and support.

Embrace Restful Nights from the Comfort of Home!

Quality sleep solutions are just a click away. Say goodbye to excuses and hello to better sleep. Schedule your Televisit with Holistic Sleep Restoration today!

Schedule Virtual Sleep Consultation (Adults and Pediatrics)

Best Practices for Your Virtual Sleep Consultation:

Preparing for your virtual sleep consultation ensures a smooth and effective interaction with your physician. Here are some best practices to help you make the most out of your remote medical care experience:

Personal Details: Have your current address, contact number, and email readily available.

Medical History: Note down any significant medical events, past surgeries, or chronic conditions.

Medications: Prepare a list of all the medications you’re currently taking, including dosage and frequency.

Healthcare Team: Provide names and contact information for your primary care physician and any referring specialists.

Pharmacy: Keep the name and contact details of your preferred pharmacy handy.

While virtual consultations are convenient, there are limitations. Some conditions might require a physical examination.

Be aware of situations where an in-office visit might be necessary, especially if a physical examination is crucial for diagnosis or further narrowing down potential conditions.

Ensure you have proper lighting in the room to allow clear visibility during the consultation. If your physician needs to examine specific areas like the back of your throat, consider using a flashlight or phone torch for better illumination.

Have a blood pressure monitor, heart rate monitor, and pulse oximeter if available, and know how to use them. Measure your neck circumference accurately; this can be crucial for sleep disorder assessments.

Confirm your insurance coverage for virtual consultations. Be aware of your copayment and co-insurance responsibilities. Contact your insurance company beforehand to clarify any payment-related queries.

Write down any symptoms, questions, or concerns you have. Having a list ensures you cover all necessary topics during the consultation.

Test your internet connection, camera, and microphone to ensure a smooth virtual meeting. Familiarize yourself with the virtual platform your healthcare provider will be using.

Choose a quiet, private space for the consultation where you can discuss your health concerns without distractions.

Ensure your device is charged or connected to a power source to avoid interruptions.